Sunamine (2,4-D Amine Salt 58% SL)

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Sunamine (2,4-D Amine Salt 58% SL)

  • Packing: 250ml. 400ml, 500ml, 1ltr. 5ltr

  1. Sunamine belongs to Phenoxy acetic group.
  2. Sunamine is a selective, systemic, post emergence herbicide effective against broad leaved weeds in cropped area of Sorghum, Maize, Wheat, Potato and Sugarcane as well as in Non cropped areas, it is not effective on grassy weeds.
  3. Sunamine absorbed by the leaves, roots and translocated in to the weeds. It acts by mimicking the action of the plant growth harmone auxin, which result in uncontrolled growth of weeds and eventually kills it.
  4. Sunamine is applied when most of the weeds are germinated and crop is 4 to 5 leaf stage.
Crop Name of weeds Formulation (ml) Dilution in water (ltr)
Potato Convolvulus arvensis, Portulaca oleracea, Asphodelus temifolius, Chenopodium album, Anagallis arvensis, Cyperus iria 1400 160
Sugarcane Cyperus iria, Digitaria Spp.. Digera arvensis, Dactyloctenium aegyptium, Commelina benghalensis, Convolvulus arvensis 2500 200
Wheat Convolvulus arvensis, Melilotus albus, Fumaria Spp., Asphodelus tenuifolius. Chenopodium album, Vicia sativa 340-520 200-240
Aquatic Weed Eichhornia crassipe 340-680 240-280
Sorghum Phyllanthus niruri Convolvulus arvensis, Euphorbia hirta, Tridax procumbens.Digera arvensis, Trianthema Spp., Striga Spp., Cyperus iria 1200 200-240
Non cropped Area Partheniumhysterophorus, Cyperus rotundus 1800 120-160
Maize Amaranthus Spp., Tribulus terrestris, Boerhavia diffusa, Portulaca oleracea, Euphorbia hirta, Cyperus Spp., Trianthema monogyna 344 160-200
  1. Sunamine is highly soluble in water. It is absorbs by weeds faster than other herbicide.
  2. Sunamine is also compatible with other herbicide. It is a cost effective herbicide.
  3. Sunamine is still effective in india and it has not develop resistance in weeds however care should be taken it should not be used or stored near the broad leaf crops like cotton.